Xiaoying Chen


Program Manager, Brain Health Program

BPharm, BMgt, PhD

Dr Xiaoying Chen is the Program Manager and an early career researcher in Brain Health Initiative at the George Institute for Global Health. She has 17+ years’ experience in multicenter clinical trials and 13 years spent designing and conducting large international clinical trials.  Research area of Dr Chen include stroke, quality of life, new technology in health care and cognition. 

Dr Chen, in her Operations Lead role, was responsible for project operations staff at the George Institute for Global Health Beijing Representative Office across its offices at Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu, as well as responsible for building up project operations capacity for China, strengthening operations, compliance and training relationships between Australia and China, ensuring compliance with institution Standard of Operations, global and local regulations for clinical and health research, managing operations, finances and quality control.  Dr Chen has vast experience in large international clinical trials, including as Global Project Manager of ongoing MRC-jointly-funded The third, INTEnsive care bundle with blood pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral haemorrhage Trial (INTERACT3), and Global Project Manager of the completed Intensive blood pressure reduction with intravenous thrombolysis therapy for acute ischaemic stroke (ENCHANTED), and Senior project managers and lead role on several other large international clinical trials.

Further Reading